Today my precious boy.... amazed me once again! Recreational Therapy, Miss Aubrey gave him his options as to what he wanted to do. He chose to get on the computer... imagine that! So we come up to the 4th floor waiting room where there was a computer and a desk that moves up or down with a switch... COOL BEANS! So she asks him what he wants to do on the computer? Play games? He says... MYSPACE, lol. So we go to the myspace website... my miracle boy types in his EMAIL and PASSWORD... SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Are you freaking kidding me? Gunshot wound to the head.... 3 hours to live.... day 35 .... he types and remembers crazy things like email address and myspace password! He got online and saw that he had 107 notifications and 96 friend requests... I told him he was famous but I don't think he really understands, lol! Aubrey asked him ..."what do you think about all those notifications and requests?".... he replied with his hand in circular motion by his ear... "CRAZY"! hahahaahaha! So we look at some of his messages and notifications... we didn't accept any friend requests I don't think as we didn't have much time left. Our session with rec therapy is only 30 minutes. He changed his status to "SITTIN IN REHAB" too cute!! I LOVE YOU ALEX MICHAEL!!
In speech therapy Miss Nicole did some "ice therapy". She took ice cubes and would rub on the left side of the face like.... if he was smiling ... then she would run the ice in the direction in which the left side should be smiling as well. What happens is when you don't move that side of your body for some time then the brain forgets that it is there so we go and start to retrain the brain that those things need to work. So she would trace the face where those smile muscles on the left side of the face should be. You would be amazed at how even his smile was at the end of the session! CRAZY how the mind works! She also worked on running ice up left side of nose and had him scrunch his nose so she could stimulate those muscles. Later today she worked on stroking his tongue and helping to draw his tongue further out of his mouth. Amazing how the smallest things you wouldn't think would work... actually WORK!
In cognitive therapy, which I call "thinking" therapy.... we did a puzzle (like a kids wooden puzzle that has pegs on the actual pieces) He did great! Fun time began when we did a Mad Lib story and he had to choose adverbs, nouns, adjectives etc. He would crack me up with his answers like Cuba and Costa Rica for nouns ,... you wonder what is running thru his mind to come up with those answers out of everything a noun could be, lol! He smiled at his story when Randi read it to him :0)
Occupational therapy, which I call "upper body"therapy.... we learned exercises that we need to do with him when we are in the room. He has gained such great control over his head and upper body strength in holding himself up with the help of Miss Lynn, his therapist. He is also reaching for things and able to turn his head and look towards things better today...than yesterday! Amazing how much improvement he is making from day to day to day! He is soooo random lately... we will be in the middle of therapy and all of a sudden he starts signing and spells the word GATOR... we are like... "did you just say gator" ... he said...."yes" ... and we say... "what about gator or gators"... he says " i don't know"... we say " you just felt like saying that?" he says... "yes"... hahahahaha. Thank you Alex... we love you! :0)
Today at lunch he was doing awesome with feeding himself. He is getting faster and taking bigger bites! Brings his lips around and over the spoon better and better each day. How funny he licked his fingers while eating today... like he was eating fried chicken or something, lol! Only he wasn't.... sorry Alex. Soon though... soon!
It's funny how when visitors come they are AMAZED at how great he looks! You can't imagine it when you read this... to see it is UNBELIEVABLE... totally! You can't imagine the miracle until he is in front of your eyes... making little funny gestures and such. For example: Viki sat here tonight asking him about certain Gator Football players and he named most of the offense and defense.. it's just incredible how much memory he has stored up and shows out every night! Rhonda Smith came by tonight and bought him a whoopie cushion and when I walked in Viki sat on it to make out like Alex was having gas.... he was just a grinning and smiling thinking it was hilarious! THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING ALEX YOUR CHOICE FOR A MIRACLE! Thank you GOD for the incredible things you give Alex the will to do each day we are here. Thank YOU God for giving me day after day after day with my handsome boy who never ceases to amaze me! His positive attitude and determination WOW me everyday and I can't thank YOU GOD enough for choosing US to show your AWESOMENESS!!!
BELIEVE THIS: Alex IS A MIRACLE from God and HE WILL DO GREAT THINGS.... watch and see!
There are a lot of you who have sent cards and donations... please know that I have every intention on thanking you.... I just have to sit down...write it all out and I will give you the PROPER thank you that you SOOO deserve! If you put cash into the Wachovia acct., I have no way of knowing that you donated money so PLEASE send me an email thru this website so that I can thank you properly. Any checks received by mail or in the acct. are being written down and I promise as soon as I can get a free minute....YOU WILL HEAR FROM ME! Again I want to thank ALL OF YOU reading this.... all of you who continue to support me with encouraging words, letters, emails... facebook messages.... YOU INSPIRE ME to keep going as well as my faith in Jesus Christ. I have always been a positive person, upbeat and smiling and I have no desire to give up now!!! They asked me here what I expect out of Alex when we leave here.... 100% RECOVERY... and if not 98% lol!! NOTHING LESS! Me, Alex and JC.... we got this!
I am soooo close to being able to hug Alex! HUG YOUR BABIES TODAY...Don't put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today! Kiddos.... kiss your momma.... high five your daddy.... Valentines Day is coming up.... MAKE A HOME MADE CARD for your parents... no matter if you are 8 or 20! They mean more than anything you can me! If you want to make Alex a valentine card you can send it to the PO Box on the website... I will hang them all over his room here :0)
Pray for our follow up visit to Shands tomorrow.... PRAY FOR A GOOD REPORT! Lord... Please continue to heal Alex from the top of his head to the tip of his toes.... continue to let your light shine thru both of us and make believers out of those that do not know what you are capable of!
JOHN 9:3 This happened so the power of God could be seen in him ..... BELIEVE IT PEOPLE!!! ALEX MICHAEL ROSS IS LIVING PROOF!!