On January 6th, 2010 Alex suffered a gunshot wound to the head...given 3 HOURS TO LIVE ....this is our story of survival and how God continues to work in and through our lives!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Alex has been doing fantastic without the trach!  I slept with him the first night just because we were both leary of how he would do with his breathing. While he slept like a baby.... momma was on guard and I tossed and turned all night, lol!  He does sleep noisily if that is a word, lol.... He has many sounds of his breathing while he sleeps and hopefully this will dissipate once he retrains himself how to breathe properly, but overall he is doing fantastic without the trach....THANK YOU GOD!  Doc said it will take about 1-2 weeks to totally close up and heal.  I am hoping that all heals well and the scar tissue isn't too much... if so, she said if he wants we can do some cosmetic surgery to make it not so noticeable.

I still haven't heard anything in regards to the teacher and emailed the principal on Tuesday!  Please continue to pray that all goes our way and we get to keep his current teacher.  Alex only gets her 2-3 hours a week so if he can't keep his same teacher.... I am going to take on her work load because it isn't worth it to cause the stress and change in our daily routines.  Alex has been a busy bee these past two weeks with mid-terms and finals in the 7 classes he has been taking.  I found out yesterday on our way home from therapy that he has an English IV mid term and an Ecology mid-term DUE TODAY... that I knew nothing about...NICE!  Sooooooo, today shall be a busy day for him as well.  He has been working on his geometry and algebra ones..... they are very intense and he tires easily and really only has about 15  minutes of good attention and focus so it makes it hard to complete a 72 question final and 25 question mid term!  AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.  Ready for this week to be over already.  Him graduating and walking with his class will be ALL WORTH IT!!!

We went to REMIX, youth church, at Macedonia Baptist Church, our church, last night.... great service!  Alex surprised us all by wanting to get up in front and speak.... brought tears to my family's eyes for sure.  He talked about what God has done for him and how He saved his life.... he thanks HIM everyday and then ended it with a bible verse John 3:16 that I had no idea he REMEMBERED!  CRAZY!  I haven't been taking Alex to church on Sundays because there is no way he can sit still and QUIET for that amount of time... however I am very proud of him at last night's service and it is much more laid back than regular church service.  JOE MOORE... I love you and you rock!  Thank you for making REMIX a place where kids can relate to God and for keeping it real.  You know how to talk on their level and they understand the importance of walking with God.  Alex asked Brooks to rate church last night on a scale of 1-100 and Brooks gave it 100%!!  When we asked Alex what his rating was he said 1.25 past 100, lol! I think REMIX is going to be a great start for Alex to ease back into the social setting of church and am excited about the boys getting on fire for God!  THANK YOU JOE MOORE for creating that environment....God put you exactly where you need to be!!!

Funny story about Alex real quick.... the other day we were driving home from therapy and there was a guy standing  on the side of the road with a sign... WILL WORK FOR FOOD at a red light.  Alex was BEGGING me to roll down the window so he could give him his Snickers bar that he was eating!!!  Thank God the light turned green at that point and I had an excuse not to roll his window down, lol.  Sad thing... he was dead serious... he wasn't doing it as a joke... he sincerely wanted to give that man his candy bar that he was eating... My little 4 year old, Alex... I love you!  Hopefully he can start day treatment next week and start getting those executive skills back on track as well as some neuro-psychological sessions in as well.  This is an example of how Alex still has a long way to go mentally.  For the most part yes he is good.... but he still has issues with post traumatic stress disorder, attention span, thought processing skills etc. so I can't wait for him to get all of the psychological sessions and skill learning that he will get once he is back in day treatment.  He has been doing great sleeping in his room as well...knock on wood.  He definitely has come a very long way in just a year's time.  GOD IS GOOD!
Below is Alex showing off his new stair stepping skills that he has been working on this week..... doing it all by himself!!  SO PROUD!!  We only started videoing on his way down but his walk up the stairs was VERY IMPRESSIVE and he did not need my assistance at all!


Here you can see him working on walking with a regular cane!  Doing fantastic.  If you listen to him talk.... he is telling us that he is going to wear his superman underwear as a speedo in Hawaii for his bathing suit....NICE! HA HA!

We are having a "Celebration of Life" meeting this Sunday at Mudville Grille on Beach Boulevard from 2-4pm.  If you would like to be a volunteer please let me know if you would like to attend so I can have accurate head count for the restaurant.  We will be planning all the different things that will be going on that day and have sign up sheets for people to help out.   Below are the new bracelets that we will have for sale at meeting and event::

Bracelets will be 1 for $5 or 3 for $10
Shirts will be $ 15 or bracelet and shirt for $18

The back of the shirts will say TEAM ALEX with a scripture reference that we have not decided on yet.
If you want a shirt, PLEASE email me ahead of time at alexrosstrust@gmail.com with qty and size to ensure you get one because I am only ordering a limited amount in fear I won't sell them all.  And again... if you plan to attend our meeting this Sunday for the event planning.... please let me know so that I can have accurate head count.  :0)

I have had several requests for the necklace that Alex and his brothers wear.... if you are interested in purchasing one, please let me know as we are considering selling these before and at the event.  The only difference will be that they will be on a dog tag chain and will have no engraving as the boys want to keep theirs special this way.  Brian said he will sell them for $ 10.00 before the event and $15.00 on the day of the event. Email me if you want one please as he is only going to buy a limited amount of them.

Miss Rhonda, Alex's personal photographer, lol... is taking the boys to the Circus this Saturday at 3:30.... EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY FOR HER, ha ha!  What an adventure that is going to be!!!

Closing for now.... have to wake the boy up for some schooling to finish his exams.... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!  TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY...right?? ha!