Today was an awesome day at Physical Therapy as Alex showed me another miracle today... ONE THAT I DID NOT THINK WOULD EVER COME! See Below!
NO HARNESS... WALKING ON THE TREADMILL... NOT HOLDING ON TO ANYYYTHING!!! PRAISE JESUS!! Alex still has a long way to go but we are working on getting all that squared away, physically and MENTALLY in the new year to come! I'm going to hold off on college for the spring term, I just don't think he is ready for this challenge JUST yet and we are still focusing on the THERAPY part right now which is enough in itself for me let alone him, lol!
I had the sweetest email today from Rebecca Crockett.... THANK YOU SO MUCH! Today was ONE of THOSE kind of days, tears falling, heart wrenching, mentally exhausted... how much more can I take of this DAYS and that email could not have come at a better time! I've said it before and I'll say it again... God always knows when to send me angels and today my friend YOU WERE IT!
Lots to be thankful for.... headed to church right now to give him thanks in person... just wanted to update real quick before time slips away from me!