3 Hours to Day 29! OMG! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR, LOL!
Alex is up sitting in a chair, watching a movie, sucking on a valentine lollipop from his buddy, Nurse Michelle who bought him a WHOLE bag of them! LIFE IS GOOD!
Today is a HUGE step in our recovery progress and we are estatic! BITTERSWEET for me. You see, I have a whole new set of friends here that I grown to love and trust and I am happy for Alex that we are finally moving on to the next stage..... but really really sad to leave my nursing staff here. Thank you all again for treating Alex like a KING and me like a princess! I expect to see each of you at Brooks Rehab atleast once while we are there... and that's an order, lol! I will be back by here, once he is discharged from Brooks and Alex WILL WALK thru those doors and knock your socks off!
I am busy packing up our apt here.... I have accumulated sooo much stuff and we will need a moving truck to get us outta here! We are leaving here at 3pm... I get to ride in an ambulance with Alex... EXCITING... however, that's the only time I ever want to be in one of those, lol!
I do know that visiting hours are 11am-8pm however, I am not sure how long it will take me to get us set up and ready for visitors. If you are planning to visit, please text me and see if we are ready before showing up... unless you are immediate family of course!
Say a quick prayer for Alex... this is going to be very challenging for him and he will get frustrated and angry before it's all said and done. But once again as I have said from the beginning.... ME, ALEX AND J.C...... WE GOT THIS!!
I'll post later tonight... stay tuned for superman speed recovery!