DAY 32.... wow... hard to believe I haven't been home in 32 days! Where does the time go? I ventured out last night to the John Mayer concert which was awesome by the way! This morning I am going to take the focus off of Alex for a second. You see as we were leaving the concert last night when Shelley got a phone call. Her nephew, Josh, who I have always called my one of my other son's was hit by a car last night and transferred to Shands... my home away from home. Traffic was horrific, sitting bumper to bumper, I was driving her car and she was insisting I go to Brooks to go to my baby and then she would go to Shands. NO WAY JOSE'! It took me all of 1 second to know that I needed to go to Shands! Rerouting our drive we headed to Shands. All we knew was that Josh had intentionally been hit by a drunk man that was aiming at the crowd of people he was with. Josh just couldn't get out of the way fast enough and was hit so hard he flew up in the air and then onto the ground. Didn't sound promising at all! Josh had been to visit Alex several times and his first visit wasn't easy for him. Alex has been like a little brother to him most of his elementary and middle school days. We get to the emergency room and we really don't know anything yet. Jessie, his sister, went to desk to see if she could get back there. We paced and waited... I went to ask desk if his Grandfather could get back there to see him. Only 2 people allowed and his paternal gpa and Jessie were back there so she was going to ask one of them to come out so he could go back. When Jessie comes out, she tells me that they were still waiting in the "little room" that I hate. She told me that the only person she had seen was the chaplain, Miss Florence... one of my favorite people that I bonded with during our stay. She would come in and pray or just stop by to see Alex and thank God by what she was witnessing. Jessie suggested I go back and see her... THANK YOU JESSIE. This was where I got my peace of mind last night. As I am walking the hallways, trying to find her and the little room... a door opens and out comes a nurse with Josh on the stretcher... he is covered with blankets but I can still see that handsome face, not a scratch that I could see.... surrounded by a neck brace....THANK YOU GOD. I really feel like God did that! God wanted me to see him... there is no other way to explain it! As she turned the corner with him... I said " Hi Josh, I love you, I am praying for you". The nurse turns to me and says "are you family"? I said "no mam", I am just a friend of the family... although I do call myself his other mother". At that point, I see a smidget of a smile on Josh's face and he says "that must be Miss Lisa"! THANK YOU GOD... tears come to my eyes as I write this.... THANK YOU GOD for giving me that PEACE that I know is only explainable by you! At that very moment... I just felt like God had done what I asked of him and wrapped his arms around Josh and his family. I never did find Miss Florence in the back anywhere as hard as I looked and had security officers searching as well.... I believe that God wanted me to see Josh and know that he was going to be ok. I got home about 2:00 am, slept with my phone so I could get updates on his status. We are still waiting for some results... I believe he may have a hairline fracture of his neck and we are waiting on results of his spine from a spine specialist. PLEASE, my little prayer warriors.... PLEASE LIFT JOSH UP IN PRAYER THIS MORNING! He needs it more than Alex right now and I am certainly willing to share the love as he is one that I have considered one of my own for a long time! Josh is alive and I thank you God for that! Please heal him from the top of his head to the tip of his toes and bring he and his family peace and comfort as he awaits test results. I know how awesome you are God and we are showing people all over the world what you are all about.... I ask that you once again... DO YOUR THANG! AMEN! When I text his mom, Johnna, this morning to see how he was... her response was "OMG, I can't believe I am here. WE ARE ALL JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY FROM BEING ON OUR KNEES HUH? " Again my friends.... LIVE FOR TODAY.... get on your knees today because tomorrow may never come! Tomorrow is not promised and nothing is guaranteed except thru Jesus Christ himself!!
I LOVE YOU ALL WILLIFORD'S,VAUSE'S, HAGAN'S AND COXWELL'S!!! God bless you all today and know that I am praying for you as well as all my little prayer warriors out there. This too shall pass and he will soon be on the road to recovery with my handsome boy!
ps. Alex has a superbowl tailgate party here from 2:30 -4:30 then superbowl game! Sunday Fun day today! Will blog later about our day!! HAVE A GREAT DAY! GEAUX SAINTS!