On January 6th, 2010 Alex suffered a gunshot wound to the head...given 3 HOURS TO LIVE ....this is our story of survival and how God continues to work in and through our lives!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It seems that no matter how early I get up, it still is never early enough!  I feel like I do  for have a newborn again with packing the bags......getting Alex dressed, making sure there are extra clothes, water bottles....etc.  He tried to pull the "I don't feel good" card, but I wasn't having it and told him that he was going no matter what.   We packed him up and headed out.... just a little late!  I HATE BEING LATE...aaaaaaaaahhhh!  When we rolled up his group was sitting around the table in their morning meeting and there was a basket of questions that everyone was pulling from.  Alex pulled the question... "If you could trade places with any celebrity who would it be and why?"  Alex's response... HUGH HEFFNOR .... hahahahaahhaha.... only Alex would say that, lol!  On that note we dropped our precious Alex off and headed to the beach!

WOW.... what a beautiful day today with much needed rest and relaxation.  It wasn't long before my eyes were closed and I drifted off to sleep! A little red today but then again it's been awhile since I have gotten any Vitamin D!  It was great to get out with the girls away from all the worries, trials and tribulations for a change!  Thank you Randi, Kinlin, Carly and Susie.... love ya'll!

We picked him up at 3:30, and as we pulled up I was told what a great day he had!!  YAY! He told me His favorite part of the day was the Relaxation period... He said he gets to recline in the dark with a blanket, lol! Boy does he have it rough :0)

Randi and I will probably stay once a week just to kinda see what is going on and how he is progressing.  I found out today that his minimum amount of therapy they are anticipating is 14 weeks, but it could be more.... HOLY COW!  I was thinking we would be done in 4 weeks lol!   Superman Speed recovery needs to kick into high gear :0)

I wanted to take a minute to thank those of you who sent Alex birthday cards.... Chad just checked the mailbox and what a wonderful surprise!  It's the little things in life that can bring a smile to my day so I thank you for that!

Tomorrow is physical therapy for Alex... keep him in your prayers as he will be wearing his new brace and may encounter some pain and agitation.  Praying he will be able to work through it and make some progress with that left leg.  Going to get a handicapped parking sticker tomorrow.... never realized how important those spots are with people in wheelchairs.  Regular parking spots are NOT big enough to get someone in and out of a wheelchair from the car.  Kinda like the bathroom issue I talked about.... I NOW RESPECT THE FINE of $250 if someone is in one of those spots that is not handicapped.  Until you are put in that position you may not quite understand it....and I hope that you never have to deal with it.  

I haven't said it in awhile....and I deal with Alex everyday (my little toddler) calling me every five seconds.... needing me or Randi... EVERYTHING CAN WAIT... HE COMES FIRST.I have to put myself in check often... soooooo, I know if I am having difficulty with it being in my current situation... some of you gotta be!  DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF... Family comes first... things could be so different for me but I was given a second chance.... I don't want to blow it!  REALITY CHECK.... your life can change in a second...  count your blessings... open your eyes they are all around you.  Focus on the positive and positive things will multiply in your life.  Wishing you rainbows and sunshine...today and always!

