On January 6th, 2010 Alex suffered a gunshot wound to the head...given 3 HOURS TO LIVE ....this is our story of survival and how God continues to work in and through our lives!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21st (8:05pm)


GOD JUST PERFORMED ANOTHER MIRACLE!! I can finally breath and my precious boy is going to recover and bounce back in no time.....Watch and see! Doctor Vitarbo gave us an awesome report.... much better than I ever imagined! She went in and cleaned things up and did not have to remove as much brain tissue on the right side as she anticipated!!

God you are awesome and so is Dr. Vitarbo, Dr. Tepas and Dr. Garcia.....the whole neurosurgeon team....WOW! I cannot thank you enough! Alex is a fighter but without God and the awesome staff here at Shands... he couldn't do it alone!

Thank you to all my devoted prayer warriors out there.... fans, friends and family... you played a big part in this too! We still have a long road ahead but I truly believe this is one of our biggest steps to getting our little firecracker back! Keep the prayers and emails coming... you lighten my heart and keep me going strong. It may take me awhile to get to all of them but I READ EVERY THING! Nothing goes unnoticed and no email goes unread! Please continue to PRAY for him and to provide strength in me as we go thru the whole rehab process. He is a fiesty lil thang and I'm sure I'll be the brunt of his aggravation and recovery ....MOMMA LOVES YOU ALEX MICHAEL!!

THANK YOU GOD FOR ONE MORE DAY WITH MY HANDSOME BOY! Thank you for wrapping your arms around Alex and bringing him back to me so that he can do great things for you! If you are reading this and are not a believer of God.... BELIEVE THIS.... God is real, he performs miracles... Alex is not supposed to be here according to the "clinical world"... HE LIVES AND BREATHS TODAY.... 15 days later!

To my nursing staff at Shands..... I LOVE YOU ALL! You are all part of our family now and I can't wait for you to meet the REAL Alex! You think you love him now..... you ain't seen nothing yet! Thank you for treating us like a King and Queen in your unit... I have felt right at home since I walked thru the doors! You are truly amazing and I don't know how you do what you do, but I am glad you have been a part of our recovery. THANK YOU...from the bottom of my heart!

